Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Veritable Feast at QVM

Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market claims to be the largest open air market in the Southern Hemisphere, and it may just be that. Built in 1875, it is massive (to use the ubiquitous Australian adjective), sprawling, vibrant and bustling. Here one can buy anything from fresh produce to cosmetics to all manner of gee-gaws.
The entrance to the QVM
On Wednesday evenings from 4 November through 30 March, the QVM transforms its historic sheds into a multicultural melting pot of good food, beers, wines and music. You can easily eat your way around the world, with more than fifty purveyors of ethnic foods in one locale - including curly potatoes from Korea, paella from Spain, crêpes from France, and Who-Knows-What from Malaysia. It is literally a global feast - for the eyes, nose and palate.

We noshed on savory dumplings from Ant's Dumplings.

We also nibbled spicy popcorn chicken...

And, we enjoyed the music of a guitarist from Chile who played with a violist (as in viola, not violin) from Quito, Ecuador. Both are in Melbourne on scholarships studying for their Masters degrees - the first being a sound engineer majoring in cultural management; the second is studying music composition and plays professionally for the National Symphony in his home country.
(So, I got to speak Spanish on this trip after all!) 

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