Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Eve - 1

Thursday, 24 December - Auckland 

John picked us up at the Langham at 9:30AM. We drove to the Parnell area of Auckland to Patisserie Variyé at 7 Windsor Street where supposedly one can find the best croissants in all of Auckland. (Note: They were good, but not deserving of the accolades.)

We then went out to Titiranga where John's daughter Vanessa lives with her son Río. We had not seen Vanessa in 28 years, when she was 9-years old. She has grown to be a most remarkable woman and a fantastic mom to Río who is one great kid.
Vanessa in her garden
I brought Río a Santa hat that has blinky lights. In no time at all, he figured out where the on/off switch was and worked it!

He brought out his teddy.

We caravanned to Waitakere Regional Park to hike the KiteKite Track through the bush. Río and his mum walk this frequently, so he sprinted up the trail on his sturdy little legs. On occasion, he would fall back to touch base with Grandad or Mum.


It began to rain as we walked back down the trail, but that is to be expected, so we tucked into lunch at the Piha Cafe.

 Ned and I had Chicken Burgers.

John and Río read...

Then, Rio went off to read on his own. 

After lunch we went to Piha Beach, a famous and gnarly surf break. Ned met two middle-age Kiwis who had short boards shaped by Al Merrick, a Santa Barbara guy.


It has been a wonderful Christmas Eve - with a very special family. Our hearts are full.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas #1. Nice to see the shots of John and his family. I remember Vanessa as a little girl when they came to visit California. We're off in a few hours for Pioneertown and Christmas with Rob and Kim and then a visit with Johnee and Brent on the 26th after which we'll see Kasia and Willard. Home the 27th. You've been on the road a long time now. Enjoy the rest of your adventures. Full moon tomorrow night, the 25th, for Christmas. Love to you both.
