Sunday, December 20, 2015

WOW in Nelson

Sunday, 20 December 

Travel day! We bid adieu to Nelson, the geographic centre of New Zealand, to travel to the North Island.

We began the day with brekky at River Kitchen, then walk along the River Walk. The Maitai River, by the way, is tidal.

We then went to Ann's Nelson marker, WOW: World of WearableArt  (Note: Click on the YouTube. It is very Cirque du Soleil-like.)
The concept is that the human body becomes the artists' canvass, although the designs are more sculptural than painterly.

Dress and headpiece made 100% recycled plastic bags

Kaleidoscope on brochure
Kaleidoscope lit in the showroom
Kaleidoscope on film
The sheep theme continues

actual on display in front of film of runway showing

Then there are the cars - also sculptural art forms

The Holden

The Packard w/ crystal hood ornament

Read about creator and founder Dame Suzi Moncrieff

We missed Abel Tasman National Park, so will plan to visit Abel Tasman and see the WOW show in Wellington in October 2017, when we return.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, indeed. Nice marker! I think the designers at Vogue have been to this museum. Very fun.
