Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Depot Eatery and Al Brown

Wednesday, 23 December 

Ned had an article about Auckland from Travel and Leisure magazine that featured a restaurant called The Depot Eatery. We took the Langham Hotel Shuttle downtown, then walked the few blocks to the Sky City complex to 86 Federal Street. The Depot Eatery is famous as an Al Brown Restaurant. Al Brown is a well-known restauranteur, food show host, cookbook author, and a male New Zealand version of Alice Waters, believing in fresh locally sourced foods, simply prepared and meant to be shared.

Carrot Dip

We started with Iceberg Wedge w/ a divine "Ranch Dressing" - not at all like we get in USA. We also had Charred Asparagus with Black Olive Butter, Lemon Zest and Chives. I forgot to take photos...

As well as the Ceviche (photo below), we shared Turbot Sliders w/ Preserved Lemon Mayo & Watercress (I took photos, but they didn't photograph well.)

Tequila Ceviche with Trevally
Kingfish Belly

A young couple at the table next to us are regulars. This is their #1 favorite restaurant. They approved of our orders, agreeing that the ceviche is as good as it gets. The trevally (a local fish) really is exceptional. Then, they shared with us a bite each of their order of Kingfish Belly (soft flesh) with Eggplant Kasundi (Chutney), Lime and Toasts. This took the sharing to a whole new level.
There was a Taiwanese group - two adult women and three college-age kids at the table on the other side of ours. The one auntie next to me was an "oyster virgin" and had her first experience. It was hilarious and a beautiful moment of shared humanity, as we all giggled and high-fived. 
The evening epitomized Al Brown's philosophy that good food is meant to bring people together and create fond memories. 

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