Saturday, December 12, 2015

Rippon Winery

Saturday, 12 December 

Mid-afternoon, we popped over to Rippon Winery, on the outskirts of Wanaka. We had driven past the day before and thought we would check it out.

Situated on the western shore of Lake Wanaka, the 60 acres has been in the Mills family since 1913. In 1975, Rolfe Mills began experimenting, wanting to figure out which varietals would flourish in the unique soil and climate of the Central Otaga Valley in general and his family property in particular.

In 1982, Rolfe and his wife Lois planted the first block of vines, releasing their first vintage in 1989. Because of the soil (schist, foliated mica and quartzite deposited by glacial activity in the region), the wines embody a unique mineral flavor.

Today, 30 acres are planted and Rippon produces about 6,000 cases a year. We sampled six wines and purchased the Sauvignon Blanc (which Ned had had with his dinner at Relishes Cafe the previous night) and the 2011 Pinot Noir.

Rippon is committed to biodynamic farming. They use no irrigation and 100% natural fermentation. The vines are planted and pruned, the grapes hand harvested and foot stomped according to the phases of the moon.

One of the many clever and colorful graphics

The ceiling of the events room
Lauren, from North Carolina

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