Sunday, December 20, 2015

Done Driving

Sunday, 20 December 

After our WOW experience, we hit the road, headed to Picton where we were scheduled for the 7PM ferry to Wellington on the North Island. This would be our last road trip. From Picton on, we will be traveling by ferry, train, foot and tram.
Ever fashion-conscious, Ned's tee-shirt matches color of waters below.

An hour after Nelson, we hiked to Cullen Point Lookout, with views of the end of the Mahau Sound.
Mahau Sound

Our 2002 Nissan Sunny (We called her "Sunny" for short), had 143,000 when we got her. Ned added another 2500 kms to her odometer. They made a good team, and we saw some magnificent scenery - much of the South Island of New Zealand.
Queen Charlotte Drive, leading to Picton
Queen Charlotte Sound 

One of Picton's best views is from Governor's Bay where we had a picnic lunch after dropping luggage at the ferry terminal and relinquishing Sunny back to NZ Car Rentals ($34.65 USD/day). 

We boarded the Blue Bridge Ferry for 7PM cast off. Voyage would take us through the magnificent Queen Charlotte Sound and across the Cook Straight. 

Sailing through Queen Charlotte Sound reminded us of the Alaska State Ferry trip through Canada's Inland Passage. 
Arrived in Wellington 10:30PM and schlepped luggage the few blocks to our hotel. We, of course, met fascinating folks on board and will see Mark and Cora from Malta, Italy tomorrow on the train to Auckland. xoxo

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