Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sydney - 3

Saturday, 5 December

Palm Beach > Patonga > Pearl Beach
We drove to Palm Beach – Keith, Heather, Ned and I – where we met up with Sandra and Tony Morgan, new friends for us whom we will likely see again in the States.

The six of us boarded the 9AM ferry from Palm Beach to Patonga down the Hawkesbury River, past Kaingai National Park and the lighthouse on Lion Island.

1770: Captain Cook landed at Botany Bay, looking for fresh water, he sailed up the Hawkesbury River. (Novel and Film: The Secret River by Kate Grenville, winner of the Orange Prize and short listed for the Booker Prize). Note: Sydney Rock Oysters are farmed on leases here (Film: The Oyster Farmer).

1780: Port Jackson (now Sydney Harbour) was the first settlement.  

Patonga - Best Country Pub in Australia

The Hike
The six of us hiked from Patonga Pub to Pearl Beach – taking almost 2 hours to hike 3K up-up-up to some amazing vistas.

The Lunch
Steve and Carolyn Beaumont met us for lunch at the Patonga Pub. Now a group of eight, we feasted on Sydney Rock Oysters from Patonga Creek and Barrimundi, a most remarkable fish that is native to Queensland and the Northern Territories. This fish can live in salt water, brackish water and fresh water. They are the Bruce Jenner of the fish world, being hermaphroditic. No matter, they are yummy when grilled and served for lunch! We took the 3PM ferry back to Palm Beach.
Ned and Carolyn Beaumont

Tony Morgan and Heather

Sandra Morgan

Steve Beaumont and Ned 
Mates: Keith, Ned and Steve
Aprés Lunch
Keith, Heather, Ned and I moseyed over to the Boat House in Palm Beach before heading back home to Avalon for a quiet dinner. Keith cooked up his amazing Northern Italian Mushroom Risotto, which he served with a decanted Barolo Chinato, also from Northern Italy.

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