Monday, December 7, 2015

Arrived in Christchurch

Monday, 7 December

We spent a leisurely morning with Gillian and Nigel (and the dogs Ollie and Bob). We received a call from Daniel that Garry (Spider) had been hospitalized after a fall the night before. We await word.

Gillian then dropped us off at the airport. We were plenty early for our Air New Zealand flight at 15:45. Other than having to go back to fill out the "green cards" we got through documentation and security in easy fashion.

Flight is 2-hours 50-minutes east and south, with two hour time change. Because we are now so far south, it had only just turned dark as we approached Christchurch in the south island of New Zealand.
Of all the countries we have flown to, New Zealand is the most zealous in terms of customs and immigration. We finally made it through, having been delayed because the beagle on duty sniffed Ned's smelly vitamins.

Cab ride to the Centre Point on Colombo, where we are staying, was $45NZ.

We look forward to exploring Christchurch in the morning. People say that there is still evidence of the two recent earthquakes: September 4, 2010 (7.1 on Richter Scale) and February 22, 2011 (6.3 on Richter Scale).

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