Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sydney - 4

Sunday, 6 December
A Quintessential Feast (Warning: Food Porn)

Gillian loves to cook! As well, she and Nigel have mastered "kitchen choreography"! We feasted for five hours - food and wine were amazing!

To begin...
Chicken Liver Paté
Smoked Trout Paté (Nigel caught and smoked the trout)
Feta-stuffed Green Olives
The Table

Smoked Trout and Chicken Liver 
Followed by Yamba Prawns
and two types of oysters: Sydney Rock Oysters and Coffin Bay Oysters (South Australian Pacific)...

And Seafood Paté (from The Silver Palate Cookbook)...

Then, Queensland Mud Crabs on the Barbee...

Gillian in the Kitchen

Note the copper pan

Daniel's son Dylan (age 2) discovers the delicacy!


Queensland Mud Crabs were then followed by 2 "Baby" (8 LBS each) Salmon, also on the barbee - wrapped in banana leaves and foil...

There also were the salads...
Watermelon w/marinated feta, mint & oregano

Heirloom Tomatoes, Cucumber and White Anchovies

Rocket (Arugula), Stone Sprouts, White Peaches and Walnut

Not done yet... 

Gillian also served Pashka (Russian Easter Cake).

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