Thursday, December 10, 2015

Yes, our bowels are different too

Friday, 11 December

Wanaka (accent on first syllable)

As noted in a previous post, I am fascinated by the distinct Kiwi "accent" here. Even though we all speak English, they struggle with our dialect as much as we struggle with theirs (e.g., /goed maydoe/ = gold medal; /ahpoe soiduh/ = apple cider; and /kayd/ = carried). I am working almost as hard as I do when we travel in Spanish speaking countries!

So this morning we discovered a fabulous store: The Mediterranean Market. Two young blokes who work in the produce section heard our vowels and asked where we are from. This has happened frequently. Turns out one young man is from Chicago and the other from New Hampshire (although he tells Kiwis he's from Boston, as no one down here has even heard of New Hampshire apparently). 

Anyway, because of the delightful exchange and the delightful produce, we are planning on making a salad and dining "en suite" at least one of the nights we are in Wanaka. 

As there are none in our room, we went off in search of an inexpensive bowl at one of the several thrift shops in town. We popped into the Salvation Army Shop and asked a dear older woman working there where we might find any bowls. She clearly could not understand what we were asking for, so I spelled it out: B-O-W-L. "Oh!" she exclaimed, "you'll find those around the corner." I then made the comment, "Yes, our vowels are different" to which she immediately responded, "Your bowels or your vowels?" "Why, both actually" seemed to be the appropriate rejoinder. We three shared a hearty laugh. 

The Kiwis we have met all have a wonderful sense of humor! 

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